Sky High


メールでお問合せ 店舗一覧







    Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays of the year! At our English conversation school, we're celebrating in style with our very own Halloween party! This is a great opportunity for students to practice speaking English in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. We encourage everyone to come in their best Halloween costumes and participate in our spooky activities. During our party, we'll be playing games, telling ghost stories, and enjoying traditional Halloween treats like candy corn and pumpkin pie. We'll also be learning some English Halloween vocabulary and practicing our pronunciation. It's a great chance to improve your language skills while having a good time with other students. Our Halloween party is open to all students, regardless of level. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced speaker, there's something for everyone at our party. Our friendly and experienced teachers will be on hand to guide you through the activities and ensure that you're having a good time. Don't miss out on our Halloween party! It's the perfect way to get into the spirit of the holiday and practice your English skills. We guarantee you'll have a spooky and fun time with us. See you there!




    If you are someone who is just starting to learn English, then worry no more! Welcome to the world of English conversation where everyone is encouraged to learn at their own pace. We know the beginning can be tough at times, but we are here to support you every step of the way. Our English conversation classes are designed to help beginners and intermediate learners to improve their English speaking, listening and writing skills. Our experienced teachers are well-equipped to teach you how to speak with confidence and clarity, and how to communicate effectively in English. Whether you are preparing for a trip overseas, or you just want to improve your language skills, our English conversation classes can help you achieve your goals. With a relaxed and fun atmosphere, you will find our classes enjoyable, engaging and informative. So, if you are looking for a supportive and welcoming community to help you improve your English, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to assist you in your language learning journey. Join us today and let's speak English together!


    英会話を学習するには、良い学習環境が必要不可欠です。英語を話す環境を作ることで、英語を話す習慣が身につき、リスニング力や発音、会話力が向上します。そこで、英語の学習環境を作りましょう! まずは、英語を話せる人と交流する機会を作りましょう。外国人の友達を作ったり、英会話スクールに通ったりすることで、英語の話し相手ができます。また、自宅での学習環境を整えることも重要です。英語の本や英会話の教材を揃え、英語を聴く習慣を身につけることが大切です。スマートフォンのアプリやYouTubeなど、手軽に英語の音声が聴けるサービスもありますので、活用しましょう。 また、英語の学習環境を作ることで、英語に対するモチベーションもアップします。楽しい英語のドラマや音楽を見たり聴いたりすることで、英語への興味を持ち、学ぶ楽しみを感じることができます。 英語の学習環境を作ることで、英語の上達が早くなります。英語の環境を自分自身で作り上げ、英語との触れ合いを積極的に増やしていきましょう!


    Halloween is just around the corner, and it's the perfect opportunity for all English learners to power up their language skills. Halloween parties are fun and exciting, and they give you the chance to interact with people from all walks of life, including native English speakers. By attending a Halloween party, you can learn new words and phrases, improve your pronunciation, and boost your confidence in speaking English. To make the most out of the Halloween party, try to engage in conversations with as many people as possible. Don't be afraid to ask questions or to ask for help if you don't understand something. You can also participate in games and activities that require you to use English, such as charades or trivia games. By doing so, not only will you have fun, but you'll also learn new vocabulary and expressions. Furthermore, you can also take advantage of the Halloween theme to expand your knowledge of English culture. Research the origins and traditions of Halloween, and use your knowledge to strike up conversations with other attendees. You can also use this opportunity to dress up in a costume and practice describing your outfit in English. In conclusion, a Halloween party is an excellent way to power up your English skills. By engaging in conversations, participating in games and activities, researching English culture, and dressing up in costumes, you can learn new vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, and gain confidence in speaking English. So, get out there, attend a Halloween party, and have some fun while enhancing your language skills!

