英語素地から育てる幼児英語教育 9月からの新入生募集
We are excited to announce that we are currently accepting new students for our English language immersion program for preschoolers! Our program focuses on building a strong foundation in English language skills from a very young age, so that students are able to communicate effectively and confidently in English as they grow older. We welcome children who have little to no previous experience with the English language, as our program is designed to start with the basics and gradually build upon them. Enroll your child today to give them the gift of a head start in their English language education.
When it comes to attending an international school, many students and parents may feel intimidated by the prospect of needing strong English skills. However, it's important to remember that an international school exists to help students from all over the world come together and learn from each other. This means that while English may be the primary language of instruction, there are many resources available to help students who may be struggling with their language skills. For example, international schools often offer immersion programs, where students are placed in an English-speaking environment to help them learn more quickly. Additionally, many schools offer language labs, where students can practice their speaking and listening skills in a supportive environment. There are also tutors available for students who need extra help with their language skills. Beyond language support, international schools offer a unique opportunity for students to learn about different cultures and traditions. By bringing together students from all over the world, they offer a chance for students to expand their horizons and gain a broader understanding of the world around them. In short, while English skills are certainly helpful for students attending an international school, they are not a requirement. With the support and resources available, students of all levels and backgrounds can thrive in an international school environment.
当校は、0歳からのお子さまを受け入れるインターナショナルスクールです。未来を担うお子さまたちに、世界各国の文化・言語・伝統を学んでいただくことで、人としての豊かな価値観を育んでいきます。また、生きるための基本的な知識・能力も豊富な知識と経験を持つ講師が指導することで、個々の子どもたちの能力を最大限に伸ばしていきます。 当校では、0歳からのお子さまを受け入れるため、保護者さんが安心してお子さまをお預けいただけるように、豊富な保育設備・設備を完備しています。保育士、看護師、そして資格を持った講師たちが、お子さま一人ひとりに合った個別のケアを行います。お子さまたちが安心して学ぶことができる環境づくりを大切にしています。 0歳からのお子さまを受け入れるので、今からでも遅くない!とお思いの保護者さんもご安心ください。今からでも十分に対応できる環境があります。未来に向けて自信を持って成長できるよう、当校はお子さまたちと共に歩んでいきます。
当インターナショナルスクールでは、世界中の国々から集まった経験豊富なプロ講師陣が各自のエキスパートナレッジを生かし、児童生徒たちに確かな指導を行っています。 英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、スペイン語など、講師陣の母国語である言語を学べることはもちろん、科学、数学、歴史、音楽などの幅広い分野において、実践的な学びを提供しています。 文化や習慣の違いがある国々から集まった生徒たちは、自分たちの文化や言語を大切にしつつ、相手の文化や言語にも興味をもって接することができます。また、さまざまなアクティビティやイベントを通じて、世界中の人々と交流をすることができるため、異文化理解も深まります。 当スクールは、単に言語を教えるだけでなく、生徒の成長を全面的にサポートする環境を整えています。各講師陣から、生徒たちは多くの知識や経験を学び、将来に活かせるスキルを身に付けることができます。また、個性を尊重し、自分自身が主役となって学べるようなカリキュラムも特徴の一つです。 プロの講師陣が指導する当スクールで、生徒たちは絶対的な自信を持って、世界中の誰とでもコミュニケーションをとり、グローバル社会に貢献することができます。
Our International School believes in making learning fun. That's why we offer a unique approach to education that combines academics with play, all in the English language. Our curriculum includes a range of games and activities that encourage children to use their English skills in a natural and enjoyable way. From role-play and drama, to puzzles and board games, students are constantly engaged with the language and challenged to expand their vocabulary and improve their fluency. At our school, we understand that language is a tool for communication and connection, and we want our students to feel confident and empowered in their ability to use it. By providing a playful and immersive learning environment, students can develop their English proficiency with ease and enthusiasm. Whether your child is a native English speaker or just starting to learn the language, our program is designed to meet their individual needs and give them the tools to succeed in an increasingly globalized world. Come and discover how we make English learning fun at our International School!