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    At an international school, students are exposed to a diverse range of subjects and learning styles. Two subjects which share a common ground are English and math. While the two may seem entirely distinct, there are in fact some tried and true study methods that lend themselves to both subjects. First, set aside dedicated time to practice and review. Both English and math require ample repetition and review in order to truly internalize concepts and skills. Consistent practice allows students to retain information and get the necessary practice to truly master the material. Second, find practical applications for the subject matter. Math can be particularly overwhelming to some students, but finding real-life scenarios where math is necessary can make it feel more tangible and relatable. Similarly, English language learners can benefit from practicing vocabulary and phrases used in day-to-day conversation to help them improve their writing and speaking fluency. Lastly, seek out additional resources outside of classroom instruction. English and math have vast amounts of materials available online and in print, including practice worksheets, interactive games, and video tutorials. Using such resources can help students better understand the material, solidify their understanding, and get the necessary help in areas they may be struggling with. By applying these methods to their study habits, international school students can simultaneously improve their proficiency in both English and math. With dedicated time, practical applications, and additional resources, students can get the most out of these subjects and improve their overall academic performance.


    中学生にとって、英語と数学は基礎的な科目です。しかし、最初は理解するのが難しいことがあります。そこで、インターナショナルスクールでおすすめの英語・数学参考書を紹介します。 英語においては、グラマー、リーディング、ライティング、スピーキングの全てが必要です。中でも、グラマーは学習の最初のステップです。そのため、ごく基礎的な文法書から中級レベルの文法書まで、レベルに合ったものを選ぶことが大切です。また、英語のリスニングに慣れることも、英語の理解力を高める上で非常に重要です。この点においては、聞き流す練習をするための教材もあります。 数学においては、基礎的な四則演算から、代数、幾何という分野まで幅広い知識が必要です。数学の学習においては、問題集を実際に解いてみることが最も効果的です。過去問を解いたり、解説の分かりやすい問題集を活用することで理解力を高めることができます。 以上のように、英語・数学を効率的に学習するためには、適切な参考書の選択が重要です。レベルに合ったものを選び、問題演習を通して基礎力を着実に身につけていくことが、中学生にとって大切な学習方法といえるでしょう。


    In an international school setting, students face many challenges when it comes to strengthening their English and math skills. Fortunately, there are various apps that can help with these subjects. For English, apps like Duolingo and Lingbe offer English language courses that cater to different levels. These apps use gamification to make learning English more fun and interactive, making it easier for students to enjoy the process and retain more knowledge. For math, apps like Photomath and WolframAlpha are helpful tools. Photomath allows students to take a picture of a math problem, after which it provides the solution and the steps taken to solve it. WolframAlpha is an online calculator that provides math solutions and explanations. However, as helpful as these apps can be, they should not be the sole source of learning. Teachers should still provide instructions and assistance, and students should make an effort to apply what they learn from these apps in the classroom setting. In conclusion, with the advancements in technology, learning English and math has become easier than ever. Utilizing these apps can supplement learning, but it should not be the only source. Integrating these apps with traditional teaching methods can lead to a more fruitful and enriching educational experience for students.

